Important IPC Firmware and Mobile App Updates


Valued Alibi Security Partner,

We have recently completed important mobile app and firmware updates to Alibi Vigilant NVRs and IP cameras. We recommend you take the following immediate action to ensure your Alibi Vigilant gear has the latest updates and functionality:

Step 1: Update your Vigilant mobile app to the latest version

               Alibi Vigilant Mobile for iOS

               Alibi Vigilant Mobile for Android

Step 2: Check for NVR firmware upgrades

               You can check for upgrades via the mobile app, local interface or web UI

               IMPORTANT: you need to ensure your NVRs have the latest firmware before updating your IPCs

               If new firmware is available, update your NVRs

Step 3: Check for IP Camera firmware upgrades

               If new firmware is available, update your IP cameras

We appreciate your continued business and partnership. If you experience any issues with the firmware upgrade process please contact our US-based technical support team at 888-858-1442.